Oznake: šotor, star dojenček šotor, diys otroci šotor, tipi šotor otroci fantje, wigwam, otrok šotor, otrok šotor, teepee, tabor šotor, lutka hiša.

€6.19 €12.39
  • Na zalogi
  • m612

Otrok Teepee Šotor:

Najboljše Darilo in Igrajo Funning】: Vsak Otrok bo ljubezen svoje Otroke Teepee Šotor.Lahko branje, ki deluje in Cosplay s prijatelji znotraj njenega ali njegovega Tipi šotor, dajanje v najem vaš otrok prilagodite svoje teepee, razvijajo svojo domišljijo v okras svojega "malo doma".

【Posebna Oblika】: S zavese, spredaj zavihki lahko zaprta v celoti, ponuja otroci osebni prostor za malo skrivnosti in jih spodbuja, da postanejo neodvisni in pokazati spoštovanje drugih.Naš Otrok Indijanski šotor obleko za nastavitev bodisi znotraj ali zunaj.Super za senco v poletnih mesecih, kot Dvorišče.

【Udobno Montažo】: Enostaven za montažo otroci igrajo šotor.Otroci otroški Šotor bo pomagal prihranek časa skrbeti vaš otrok, tako da imate nekaj krat v sami stvari, ali igranje z njimi skupaj.

【Povečuje Ustvarjalnost in Domišljijo】: otroci Teepee šotor je vedno otroci, ki so prijazni namenjen.Smo strastno o zagotavljanju varnih, teepees, da se otroci povsod, tako da lahko vodijo s svojo domišljijo v svoj lasten poseben prostor.Igrajo šotori so čarobna pustolovščina za otroke " zaprtih in

  • Poreklo: CN(Izvora)
  • Opozorilo: hranite stran od ognja
  • Material: Bombaž perilo
  • Blagovna Znamka: Senodeer
  • Značilnosti: Zložljivi
  • Starostni Razpon: > 6 let
  • Vrsta: šotor
  • Certificiranje: CE
  • Številka Modela: XM-WG-003

It took a lot longer than it was.
It's taken a long time to get here.
Very soft mat, has grips on the bottom to prevent it from slipping. Fits the tent very good and the baby loves it. The seller also shipped quickly. Thanks seller!
Dark Papi 69
Wig is good for you. In size everything is accurate (we ordered more, height 1.3 m). The color is beautiful, not bright yellow, but so beautiful dark. About the Assembly, in principle, everything is simple, but in the complete set there is no cord or rope strong, which you need to tie on top of the stick (we had to do to The fact that from the awning of the rope, duck it is purely visible create, no such ropes can be fastened. Delivery in 17 days. They ordered a child for a year. What you see in the photo (inside the litter is soft, pillows, toy and Garland)-this was not included in the kit, it was bought separately. Only the tent was ordered here.
Wigwam is great. The only thing that is missing is the instructions-there is a good video on the internet. Yes, there is still not enough, of course, silicone pads on the legs-not included are included And so everything is fine. The seller of the order sent very quickly. Up to Moscow 2 weeks there was a parcel.

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